What will happen if you try to reassign a value to a constant declared with const in JavaScript?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option a
Constants declared with const in JavaScript cannot be reassigned, and attempting to do so will result in an error. The correct option is a. It will throw an error.
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What is the difference between var and let in terms of scope in JavaScript?

A). a. Both have function scope

B). b. Both have block scope

C). c. var has block scope, let has function scope

D). d. var has function scope, let has block scope

What is the purpose of using the const keyword in JavaScript?

A). a. To declare variables with function scope

B). b. To declare variables with block scope

C). c. To declare constants with immutable values

D). d. To declare objects in JavaScript

Which of the following statements is true about the let keyword in JavaScript?

A). a. Variables declared with let have global scope

B). b. Variables declared with let are block-scoped

C). c. let is used to declare constants

D). d. let is used to declare functions

20 MCQ on Declaring (Creating) JavaScript Variables in 2000 words with example. in excel format with Question in Col A, Option A in Col B, Option B in col C, Option C in col D, Option D in col e, Right Answer in col f, Solution with explanation in col g without sno and options a,b,c,d and put all html tags in special container





Which of the following statements is true about the let keyword in JavaScript?

A). a. Variables declared with let have global scope

B). b. Variables declared with let are block-scoped

C). c. let is used to declare constants

D). d. let is used to declare functions

Which of the following variable names is valid in JavaScript?

A). a. my variable

B). b. _variable

C). c. 3variable

D). d. variable$

What will happen if you try to reassign a value to a constant declared with const in JavaScript?

A). a. It will throw an error

B). b. It will silently ignore the assignment

C). c. It will convert the variable to let

D). d. It will convert the variable to var

What keyword is used to declare variables in JavaScript?

A). a. var

B). b. const

C). c. let

D). d. def

What keyword is used to declare variables in JavaScript?

A). a. var

B). b. const

C). c. let

D). d. def

What will console.log(a); output if a is declared outside a function but inside a block using let in JavaScript?

A). a. It will output the value of a

B). b. It will throw an error

C). c. It will output undefined

D). d. It