Answer & Solution
The code x /= 2 is equivalent to x = x / 2, resulting in x = 10 / 2, which is 5.</div>
The code x /= 2 is equivalent to x = x / 2, resulting in x = 10 / 2, which is 5.</div>
What does the operator === do in JavaScript?
A). Checks for equality without type conversion
B). Assigns a value
C). Performs a strict comparison
D). Concatenates strings
What will be the value of x after executing the code: let x = 10; x -= 2; x *= 3;?
A). 24
B). 30
C). 36
D). 12
What will be the output of '5' + 2 - 1 in JavaScript?
A). '52'
B). 6
C). '4'
D). Error
What will be the output of 20 / '5' in JavaScript?
A). 4
B). NaN
C). Infinity
D). Error
What will be the result of '10' + 10 in JavaScript?
A). '1010'
B). 20
C). NaN
D). Error
What does the operator
B). do in JavaScript?
C). Logical AND
D). Logical OR
What will be the value of x after executing the code: let x = 5; x += '2';?
A). 7
B). '72'
C). 52
D). NaN
What will be the result of 3 * 'A' in JavaScript?
A). Error
B). NaN
C). 0
D). 3
What is the result of '20' - 10 in JavaScript?
A). 10
B). '10'
C). NaN
D). 20
What will be the output of '7' - 3 in JavaScript?
A). 4
B). '4'
C). NaN
D). Error