Which of the following values is considered falsy in JavaScript?
A). 1
B). 0
C). 0
D). {}
How can you check if a variable is an array in JavaScript?
A). typeof variable === 'array'
B). Array.isArray(variable)
C). variable instanceof array
D). variable.constructor === array
What does it mean that JavaScript is dynamically typed?
A). Variables do not have types
B). Variables can change type
C). Variables must be declared with a type
D). Variables cannot change type
What will be the result of typeof function() {} in JavaScript?
A). function
B). object
C). undefined
D). method
What is the type of the value returned by JSON.parse('null')?
A). null
B). string
C). object
D). undefined
What will typeof null return in JavaScript?
A). null
B). undefined
C). object
D). number
Given the code: let y = 10; y = true;, what is the type of y after execution?
A). number
B). boolean
C). string
D). object
What is the initial type of a variable declared with let a;?
A). null
B). number
C). undefined
D). object
What is the type of the value returned by parseFloat('3.14abc')?
A). number
B). string
C). NaN
D). undefined
Given let a = '10'; let b = 20;, what is the result of a + b?
A). 30
B). 1020
C). 30
D). NaN