What does the following JavaScript code snippet do? Code: let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; let avg = numbers.reduce((total, num) => total + num, 0) / numbers.length; console.log(avg);
A). A) Calculates the sum of numbers in numbers
B). B) Finds the maximum number in numbers
C). C) Calculates the average of numbers in numbers
D). D) Checks if all numbers in numbers are even
What will be the output of the following JavaScript code? Code: let x = 35; if (x % 2 === 0) { console.log('Even'); } else { console.log('Odd'); }
A). A) Even
B). B) Odd
C). C) 35
D). D) None of the above
What will be the output of the following JavaScript code? Code: let x = 40; if (x % 2 === 0) { console.log('Even'); } else { console.log('Odd'); }
A). A) Even
B). B) Odd
C). C) 40
D). D) None of the above
What does the following JavaScript code snippet do? Code: let x = 5; let y = x++; console.log(x, y);
A). A) Increments x and assigns to y
B). B) Decrements x and assigns to y
C). C) Assigns x to y and then increments x
D). D) Assigns x to y and then decrements x
What does the following JavaScript code snippet do? Code: let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; let max = Math.max(...numbers); console.log(max);
A). A) Calculates the sum of numbers in numbers
B). B) Finds the maximum number in numbers
C). C) Calculates the product of numbers in numbers
D). D) Checks if all numbers in numbers are even
What will be the output of the following JavaScript code? Code: console.log(typeof null);
A). A) Object
B). B) Null
C). C) Undefined
D). D) String
What does the following JavaScript code snippet do? Code: let x = 'Hello'; let y = x.length; console.log(y);
A). A) Stores the length of the string x in y
B). B) Converts x to uppercase
C). C) Converts x to lowercase
D). D) Finds the index of a character in x
What will be the output of the following JavaScript code? Code: let x = 30; if (x % 2 === 0) { console.log('Even'); } else { console.log('Odd'); }
A). A) Even
B). B) Odd
C). C) 30
D). D) None of the above
What will be the output of the following JavaScript code? Code: console.log('Hello' + 1 + 2);
A). A) Hello12
B). B) Hello3
C). C) Hello
D). D) TypeError: cannot convert number to string
What does the following JavaScript code snippet do? Code: let x = 'Hello'; console.log(x.toUpperCase());
A). A) Converts x to lowercase
B). B) Reverses the characters in x
C). C) Converts x to uppercase
D). D) Adds spaces to x