What role do matrices play in complex transformations?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C
Matrices are used to represent transformation operations and combine them efficiently.
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What does translation involve?

A). Changing the size of an object

B). Rotating an object around a point

C). Moving an object along a direction

D). Distorting an object's shape

Shearing involves:

A). Rotating an object

B). Skewing an object along one axis

C). Scaling an object

D). Moving an object along a path

What is a complex transformation in computer graphics?

A). Basic shape creation

B). Combining multiple simple transformations

C). Applying color gradients

D). Adding textures to objects

What does a composite transformation refer to?

A). A single basic transformation

B). A combination of multiple simple transformations

C). Applying textures to objects

D). Creating lighting effects

Which of the following is NOT a basic transformation operation?

A). Translation

B). Rotation

C). Scaling

D). Shading

Combining translation and rotation creates:

A). Scaling

B). Shearing

C). Complex transformations

D). Basic shapes

What is a common use case for combining scaling and rotation?

A). Creating 3D models

B). Animating objects

C). Adding textures to objects

D). Applying color gradients

Which transformation is used for repositioning objects within a scene?

A). Scaling

B). Rotation

C). Translation

D). Shearing

How can matrices be used to represent complex transformations?

A). By storing textures

B). By defining lighting effects

C). By combining multiple transformations

D). By coloring pixels

Which transformation operation is used for adjusting an object's size?

A). Scaling

B). Rotation

C). Shearing

D). Translation