Which of the following is a logical operator in JavaScript?
A). &&
B). ||
C). !
D). All of the above
What does the typeof operator return for an array?
A). object
B). array
C). list
D). collection
What does typeof NaN return?
A). number
B). NaN
C). undefined
D). object
Which of the following is not a comparison operator?
A). ==
B). >
C). <=
D). =
What is the result of the expression 5 + '5'?
A). 10
B). 55
C). 55
D). NaN
What is the result of true + false?
A). 0
B). 1
C). truefalse
D). NaN
Which of the following operators can be used to compare two values, including type comparison?
A). ==
B). =
C). ===
D). !==
What is the result of 10 % 3 in JavaScript?
A). 0
B). 1
C). 2
D). 3
Which operator checks if two values are not equal and also checks for type?
A). !=
B). !==
C). <
D). >
Which operator would you use to determine the remainder of a division in JavaScript?
A). /
B). %
C). //
D). \