What is the purpose of using the innerHTML property in JavaScript?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option A
The innerHTML property in JavaScript is used to set or retrieve the HTML content of an element, including its descendants. Unlike textContent and innerText, which deal with plain text, innerHTML allows you to manipulate the HTML structure within an element, making it suitable for tasks involving complex HTML content or dynamic HTML generation.
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Which JavaScript method is used to replace one HTML element with another in the DOM?

A). replaceChild()

B). replaceElement()

C). replaceNode()

D). element.replaceWith()

What is the purpose of the innerText property in JavaScript?

A). To set or retrieve the text content of an element, including its descendants

B). To set or retrieve the HTML content of an element, including its descendants

C). To set or retrieve the value of an input element

D). To set or retrieve the URL of an anchor element

How can you change the background color of an HTML element using JavaScript?

A). element.style.backgroundColor = 'red';

B). element.background = 'red';

C). element.bgColor = 'red';

D). element.color = 'red';

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A). document.createElement()

B). document.appendElement()

C). document.makeElement()

D). document.createNode()

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A). element.style.fontSize = '16px';

B). element.style.font = '16px';

C). element.fontSize = '16px';

D). element.font = '16px';

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A). To access and manipulate the CSS classes of an HTML element

B). To access and modify the text content of an HTML element

C). To access and modify the value of an input element

D). To access and modify the URL of an anchor element

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A). click

B). hover

C). submit

D). change

What does the removeChild() method do in JavaScript?

A). Removes a specified child node from an existing element in the DOM

B). Appends a new child node to an existing element in the DOM

C). Replaces an existing child node with a new node in the DOM

D). Creates a new parent node for an existing child node in the DOM

Which JavaScript method allows you to change the text content of an HTML element?

A). innerHTML

B). setAttribute

C). textContent

D). createElement

What is the purpose of the setAttribute() method in JavaScript?

A). To set or change the value of an attribute on an HTML element

B). To set or change the text content of an HTML element

C). To set or change the source (URL) of an image element

D). To set or change the background color of an HTML element