Answer & Solution
<p>The animate() method in jQuery is used to create animations by changing CSS properties gradually.
<p>The animate() method in jQuery is used to create animations by changing CSS properties gradually.
Which of the following is a benefit of using jQuery in web development?
A). Server-side processing
B). Cross-browser compatibility
C). Hardware acceleration
D). Database management
Which of the following is a valid jQuery selector?
A). $('div > p')
B). $('div ~ p')
C). $('div p')
D). $('div + p')
What is jQuery?
A). A programming language
B). A JavaScript framework
C). A markup language
D). A database language
What is the purpose of the on() method in jQuery?
A). To loop through elements
B). To handle events on elements
C). To create animations
D). To perform AJAX requests
How can you execute jQuery code after the DOM is fully loaded?
A). By using the document.onload event
B). By embedding the jQuery code directly into the HTML document
C). By using the jQuery.ready() method
D). By using the window.onload event
What is the purpose of the each() method in jQuery?
A). To filter elements based on a selector
B). To loop through elements and perform a function on each
C). To remove elements from the DOM
D). To add event listeners to elements
What is the purpose of the css() method in jQuery?
A). To toggle CSS properties of elements
B). To get or set CSS properties of elements
C). To remove CSS classes from elements
D). To add CSS classes to elements
What is the purpose of the attr() method in jQuery?
A). To toggle attributes of elements
B). To add attributes to elements
C). To get or set attributes of elements
D). To remove attributes from elements
What is the purpose of the val() method in jQuery?
A). To remove form inputs from the DOM
B). To validate form inputs
C). To get or set the value of form inputs
D). To add validation rules to form inputs
How can you include external jQuery plugins in your project?
A). All of the above
B). By downloading the plugin file and linking it in the HTML document
C). By using a CDN (Content Delivery Network)
D). By embedding the plugin code directly into the HTML document