What is the output of console.log(blockVar); outside a block if let blockVar = 'Block'; is declared inside a block?
A). Block
B). undefined
C). Error
D). null
What does the Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ) refer to?
A). A zone with no variables
B). A zone where variables are in memory but not accessible
C). A zone where variables are accessible globally
D). A zone with limited variable scope
What is the output of console.log(innerVar); outside exampleFunction if let innerVar = 'Hello'; is declared inside exampleFunction?
A). Hello
B). undefined
C). Error
D). null
What happens if you try to access a block-scoped variable outside its block?
A). The variable is accessible globally
B). The variable is accessible within its block
C). An error occurs
D). The variable is accessible within a function
What is block scope in JavaScript?
A). Variables scoped globally
B). Variables scoped within a function
C). Variables scoped to a block
D). Variables scoped to an object
What is hoisting in JavaScript?
A). Moving variables to the top of their function or global scope
B). Making variables undefined
C). Creating new variables
D). None of the above
Which keyword introduces block-scoped variables in JavaScript?
A). var
B). let
C). const
D). function
What is lexical scoping in JavaScript?
A). Variables scoped to the entire codebase
B). Variables scoped to their functions
C). Variables scoped based on their position in the code
D). Variables scoped based on their names
What happens when you declare a constant with const inside a block and try to reassign it?
A). It throws an error
B). It allows reassignment
C). It assigns the value globally
D). It assigns a default value
What is the benefit of block scope in JavaScript?
A). It reduces variable conflicts
B). It increases global scope
C). It simplifies variable declarations
D). It makes variables inaccessible