What is block scope in JavaScript?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B) Variables declared inside a block have block scope
Block scope in JavaScript means that variables declared inside a block are only accessible within that block, not outside of it.
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How do code blocks contribute to code organization in JavaScript?

A). A) They make code less organized

B). B) They allow for grouping and structuring code

C). C) They introduce naming conflicts

D). D) They limit the use of comments

What is the purpose of using code blocks in JavaScript?

A). A) To define global variables

B). B) To limit variable scope and prevent naming conflicts

C). C) To create asynchronous functions

D). D) To handle errors and exceptions

How are code blocks defined in JavaScript?

A). A) Using parentheses ()

B). B) Using curly braces {}

C). C) Using square brackets []

D). D) Using angle brackets <>

What is block scope in JavaScript?

A). A) Variables declared inside a block are globally scoped

B). B) Variables declared inside a block have block scope

C). C) Variables declared inside a block have function scope

D). D) Variables declared inside a block have local scope

What happens to variables declared inside a code block after the block executes?

A). A) They become globally scoped

B). B) They are accessible only within the block

C). C) They are accessible within the function containing the block

D). D) They are accessible outside the block but with limited scope

What happens to variables declared inside a code block after the block executes?

A). A) They become globally scoped

B). B) They are accessible only within the block

C). C) They are accessible within the function containing the block

D). D) They are accessible outside the block but with limited scope

How do code blocks contribute to code organization in JavaScript?

A). A) They make code less organized

B). B) They allow for grouping and structuring code

C). C) They introduce naming conflicts

D). D) They limit the use of comments

How are code blocks defined in JavaScript?

A). A) Using parentheses ()

B). B) Using curly braces {}

C). C) Using square brackets []

D). D) Using angle brackets <>

How do code blocks affect variable scope in JavaScript?

A). A) They make variables globally scoped

B). B) They create block scope for variables

C). C) They limit variable accessibility within functions

D). D) They have no impact on variable scope

What is block scope in JavaScript?

A). A) Variables declared inside a block are globally scoped

B). B) Variables declared inside a block have block scope

C). C) Variables declared inside a block have function scope

D). D) Variables declared inside a block have local scope