How can you access a Canvas element in JavaScript?
A). A. Using getElementById
B). B. Using getElementsByClassName
C). C. Using getElementsByTagName
D). D. All of the above
How can you draw a circle on a Canvas element using JavaScript?
A). A. Using drawCircle method
B). B. Using drawArc method
C). C. Circles cannot be drawn directly
D). D. Using arc method
Which of the following is true about Canvas compared to SVG?
A). A. Canvas is resolution-independent
B). B. Canvas is vector-based
C). C. Canvas is more suitable for static graphics
D). D. Canvas provides DOM access to drawn elements
How does Canvas handle text rendering?
A). A. As vector-based text
B). B. As bitmap-based text
C). C. Using external font libraries
D). D. Text cannot be rendered on Canvas
How does Canvas handle transparency in drawings?
A). A. Through opacity settings
B). B. By using blending modes
C). C. Transparent pixels are not supported
D). D. Through CSS styles
What is the purpose of the toDataURL method in Canvas?
A). A. To export Canvas data to a server
B). B. To convert Canvas content to an image URL
C). C. To resize the Canvas
D). D. To create a new Canvas
Which property sets the line style (width and style) for drawing operations in Canvas?
A). A. lineWidth
B). B. lineStyle
C). C. strokeStyle
D). D. borderStyle
Which method is used to apply transformations like rotation or scaling on Canvas drawings?
A). A. rotate
B). B. scale
C). C. transform
D). D. applyTransform
Which rendering context is commonly used for 2D graphics in Canvas?
A). A. 3d
B). B. webgl
C). C. 2d
D). D. canvas
What does the fillRect method do in Canvas?
A). A. Draws a rectangle with a fill color
B). B. Clears the Canvas
C). C. Draws a circle
D). D. Draws a line