How does the typeof operator handle arrays in JavaScript?
A). array
B). object
C). undefined
D). null
What is the output of typeof Symbol('id') in JavaScript?
A). symbol
B). object
C). string
D). null
How does JavaScript evaluate typeof 'Hello'?
A). string
B). object
C). undefined
D). null
What will be the output of typeof {} in JavaScript?
A). object
B). array
C). null
D). undefined
What does typeof Math evaluate to in JavaScript?
A). math
B). object
C). number
D). undefined
What will be the output of [] instanceof Array in JavaScript?
A). 1
B). 0
C). null
D). undefined
What does Number('123') return in JavaScript?
A). 123
B). '123'
C). NaN
D). 1
What is the output of typeof function(){} in JavaScript?
A). function
B). object
C). undefined
D). null
What does the typeof operator return for an undefined variable?
A). undefined
B). number
C). boolean
D). string
How does JavaScript evaluate typeof /^regex$/ in JavaScript?
A). regexp
B). object
C). string
D). null