Which method would you use to replace a part of a string with another string?
A). replace()
B). substitute()
C). change()
D). swap()
What does the split() method do?
A). Splits a string into characters
B). Splits a string into an array of substrings
C). Divides a string into two parts
D). Cuts a string in half
How do you create a multi-line string in JavaScript?
A). Use single quotes
B). Use double quotes
C). Use backticks
D). Use escape characters
How do you convert a string to lowercase in JavaScript?
A). toLower()
B). lowerCase()
C). toLowerCase()
D). toSmall()
How do you convert a number to a string in JavaScript?
A). number.toString()
B). number.toText()
C). number.convert()
D). number.string()
How do you check if a string ends with a specific substring?
A). endsWith()
B). isEnd()
C). hasSuffix()
D). ends()
How do you repeat a string a specified number of times?
A). loop()
B). repeat()
C). times()
D). replicate()
Which method is used to find the length of a string?
A). length()
B). len()
C). size()
D). length
What is the use of the String.raw method?
A). To create raw string literals
B). To create a raw copy of a string
C). To create a new string
D). To escape characters
How do you check if a string starts with a specific substring?
A). beginsWith()
B). startsWith()
C). isStart()
D). hasPrefix()