What does the animation-direction property in CSS keyframe animations determine?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C
The animation-direction property in CSS keyframe animations determines the direction of the animation. It allows developers to specify whether the animation should play forwards (normal), backwards (reverse), alternate between forwards and backwards (alternate), or alternate with a reversed initial direction (alternate-reverse). This property controls the playback direction of the animation, influencing how the animation progresses and appears on the webpage.
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What is the purpose of defining multiple keyframes in a keyframe animation?

A). <div>To reduce the complexity of the animation.

B). <div>To specify the total duration of the animation.

C). <div>To control the direction of the animation.

D). <div>To create varied style changes and movements at different stages of the animation.

How does using the animation-timing-function property impact the appearance of CSS transitions?

A). <div>It changes the duration of the transition effect.

B). <div>It specifies the number of times the transition should repeat.

C). <div>It controls the acceleration/deceleration of the transition.

D). <div>It defines the direction of the transition effect.

How does using multiple simultaneous animations impact the performance of a webpage?

A). <div>It improves page loading times.

B). <div>It has no impact on page performance.

C). <div>It may lead to increased complexity and slower performance.

D). <div>It reduces visual appeal and engagement.

What CSS rule is used to define keyframe animations?

A). <div>@keyframes

B). <div>@animation

C). <div>@transition

D). <div>@transform

How can developers create a continuous looping animation using keyframes?

A). <div>By setting the animation-duration property.

B). <div>By using the animation-name property.

C). <div>By specifying the timing function of the animation.

D). <div>By using the animation-iteration-count property with the value 'infinite'.

How can developers control the number of times a keyframe animation should repeat?

A). <div>By setting the animation-duration property.

B). <div>By specifying the timing function of the animation.

C). <div>By using the animation-name property.

D). <div>By using the animation-iteration-count property.

How does the animation-delay property impact the timing of a keyframe animation?

A). <div>It specifies the total duration of the animation.

B). <div>It controls when the animation starts after being triggered.

C). <div>It defines the starting and ending states of the animation.

D). <div>It changes the direction of the animation.

What role does the @keyframes rule play in defining keyframe animations?

A). <div>It specifies the duration of the animation.

B). <div>It defines the starting and ending states of the animation.

C). <div>It controls the direction of the animation.

D). <div>It specifies the keyframes and style changes along the animation timeline.

How does the animation-fill-mode property impact the appearance of elements before and after a keyframe animation?

A). <div>It defines the starting and ending states of the animation.

B). <div>It specifies the number of times the animation should repeat.

C). <div>It controls the direction of the animation.

D). <div>It defines how the element's styles should be applied before and after the animation.

How can keyframe animations contribute to creating interactive user interfaces?

A). <div>By reducing visual appeal and engagement.

B). <div>By adding dynamic and engaging effects to elements.

C). <div>By making elements static and unchanging.

D). <div>By increasing page loading times.