What does scaling do in SVG transformations?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B
Scaling in SVG transformations resizes an SVG element uniformly along the X and Y axes. This means it enlarges or shrinks an object equally in all directions, maintaining its aspect ratio.
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How can you resize an SVG element to be twice its original size uniformly?

A). A) <rect x='20' y='20' width='100' height='50' transform='scale(2)' />

B). B) <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='30' transform='scale(2)' />

C). C) <line x1='20' y1='20' x2='100' y2='100' transform='scale(2)' />

D). D) <path d='M20,20 L100,100' transform='scale(2)' />

How can you create a mirrored or flipped version of an SVG element horizontally?

A). A) By using the mirror transformation in SVG

B). B) By applying the flip transformation in CSS

C). C) By using the scaleX(-1) transformation in SVG

D). D) By rotating the element 180 degrees around its center

How do you rotate an SVG element by 90 degrees clockwise around its center point?

A). A) <rect x='50' y='50' width='100' height='50' transform='rotate(90, 100, 75)' />

B). B) <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='30' transform='rotate(90, 50, 50)' />

C). C) <ellipse cx='50' cy='50' rx='50' ry='30' transform='rotate(90, 75, 50)' />

D). D) <polygon points='100,20 20,100 180,100' transform='rotate(90, 100, 60)' />

How do you translate an SVG element 50 units to the right and 20 units down?

A). A) <rect x='20' y='20' width='100' height='50' transform='translate(50, 20)' />

B). B) <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='30' transform='translate(50, 20)' />

C). C) <ellipse cx='50' cy='50' rx='50' ry='30' transform='translate(50, 20)' />

D). D) <line x1='20' y1='20' x2='100' y2='100' transform='translate(50, 20)' />

How can you adjust the rotation angle of an SVG element incrementally using CSS animations?

A). A) By defining keyframes for gradual angle changes

B). B) By using the rotate property in CSS with an angle value

C). C) By applying a transformation function to the rotation attribute

D). D) By specifying a duration for the rotation transformation

What is the purpose of the transform-origin property in CSS for SVG elements?

A). A) It sets the initial position of an SVG element

B). B) It defines the transformation origin point

C). C) It specifies the color of an SVG element

D). D) It determines the fill pattern for an SVG element

How can you combine rotation and scaling transformations on an SVG element?

A). A) <circle cx='50' cy='50' r='30' transform='rotate(45) scale(1.5)' />

B). B) <rect x='20' y='20' width='100' height='50' transform='rotate(45) scale(1.5)' />

C). C) <polygon points='100,20 20,100 180,100' transform='rotate(45) scale(1.5)' />

D). D) <ellipse cx='50' cy='50' rx='50' ry='30' transform='rotate(45) scale(1.5)' />

How is skewing applied to SVG elements?

A). A) By tilting an element along the X or Y axis

B). B) By translating an element along the X and Y axes

C). C) By resizing an element uniformly along the X and Y axes

D). D) By rotating an element around a specified point

What effect does skewing an SVG element along the X axis have?

A). A) It rotates the element around a specific point

B). B) It moves the element along the X axis

C). C) It stretches the element along the X axis

D). D) It tilts the element along the X axis

What is translation in SVG transformations?

A). A) Moving an SVG element along the X and Y axes

B). B) Rotating an SVG element around a specified point

C). C) Resizing an SVG element uniformly along the X and Y axes

D). D) Tilting an SVG element along the X or Y axis