What does NaN !== NaN evaluate to in JavaScript?
A). 1
B). 0
C). NaN
D). undefined
What will be the output of null == undefined in JavaScript?
A). 1
B). 0
C). NaN
D). undefined
What is the result of 5 > 3 in JavaScript?
A). 1
B). 0
C). NaN
D). undefined
What is the result of 5 == '5' in JavaScript?
A). 1
B). 0
C). NaN
D). undefined
What will be the output of 5 == true in JavaScript?
A). 1
B). 0
C). NaN
D). undefined
How does JavaScript evaluate 10 !== '10'?
A). 1
B). 0
C). NaN
D). undefined
What is the result of '10' > 5 in JavaScript?
A). 1
B). 0
C). NaN
D). undefined
What is the result of NaN == NaN in JavaScript?
A). 1
B). 0
C). NaN
D). undefined
How does JavaScript evaluate 5 <= 4?
A). 1
B). 0
C). NaN
D). undefined
What will be the output of 5 === 5 in JavaScript?
A). 1
B). 0
C). NaN
D). undefined