In Node.js, what is the global object called?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B
In Node.js, the global object is called global.
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Which of the following can be used to prevent accidental modification of global variables?

A). Encapsulation

B). Namespace

C). Strict mode

D). Block scoping

Can a global variable be accessed inside a function?

A). Yes

B). No

C). Only if passed as a parameter

D). Only if defined with var

What happens if you declare a variable without var, let, or const inside a function?

A). It becomes a global variable

B). It becomes a local variable

C). It throws an error

D). It becomes a constant

What is the purpose of the global object in JavaScript?

A). To store local variables

B). To provide a namespace for global variables and functions

C). To define constants

D). To execute code in strict mode

Which of the following can create a global variable?

A). var

B). let

C). const

D). All of the above

What is the output of console.log(window.globalLet); if let globalLet = 'Hello'; is declared in the global scope?

A). Hello

B). undefined

C). error

D). null

What is the output of console.log(globalVar); if globalVar = 'Hello'; is assigned inside a function without using var, let, or const?

A). Hello

B). undefined

C). error

D). null

What is the output of typeof window in a browser environment?

A). object

B). undefined

C). function

D). global

What happens if you declare a variable inside a function with the same name as a global variable?

A). It creates a new local variable

B). It throws an error

C). It modifies the global variable

D). It assigns the global variable to null

Which statement is true about global variables in JavaScript?

A). They are not accessible inside functions

B). They can be accessed and modified from any part of the code

C). They are constants

D). They can only be read, not modified