In JavaScript, what is the purpose of the addEventListener() method?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B
The addEventListener() method in JavaScript is used to attach event listeners to HTML elements. It allows developers to define functions (event handlers) that execute in response to specific events on the specified elements, enhancing interactivity and enabling dynamic behavior in web pages.
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What is the purpose of an event in JavaScript?

A). A. To add styles to HTML elements

B). B. To handle user interactions and browser actions

C). C. To define function names

D). D. To create animations on web pages

What is the primary purpose of JavaScript functions?

A). A. To style web pages

B). B. To provide structure to HTML elements

C). C. To create reusable code blocks

D). D. To define CSS styles for HTML

Consider the following JavaScript code: let greet = function(name) { return 'Hello, ' + name + '!'; }; What type of function is greet in this code?

A). A. Named function

B). B. Anonymous function

C). C. Arrow function

D). D. Generator function

Which type of JavaScript function is defined without a name?

A). A. Named function

B). B. Anonymous function

C). C. Arrow function

D). D. Generator function

How can you prevent the default behavior of an event in JavaScript?

A). A. By using the event.preventDefault() method inside the event handler function

B). B. By using the event.stopPropogation() method inside the event handler function

C). C. By using the event.stopPropagation() method inside the event handler function

D). D. By using the event.defaultPrevented property inside the event handler function

What is the purpose of the onmouseover event in HTML?

A). A. To detect when an element is hovered over

B). B. To track changes in form inputs

C). C. To determine when an element is loaded

D). D. To handle form submissions

What is the purpose of the onclick attribute in HTML elements?

A). A. To define styles for HTML elements

B). B. To attach event listeners for mouse clicks

C). C. To insert JavaScript code directly into HTML

D). D. To create animations for HTML elements

Which event is triggered when a user clicks on an HTML element?

A). A. onhover

B). B. onsubmit

C). C. onload

D). D. onclick

Which of the following correctly defines a JavaScript function?

A). A. function addNumbers(num1, num2) { return num1 + num2; }

B). B. function = addNumbers(num1, num2) { return num1 + num2; }

C). C. function addNumbers(num1 + num2) { return num1 + num2; }

D). D. function addNumbers(num1, num2) => { return num1 + num2; }

How can you attach multiple event listeners to the same HTML element in JavaScript without overwriting existing ones?

A). A. By using the attachEvent() method

B). B. By using the addEventListener() method with the replace parameter

C). C. By assigning multiple functions directly to the element's event attributes (e.g., onclick, onmouseover)

D). D. By using the addEventListener() method multiple times for the same event