Which statement about camel case is true?
A). It is mandatory in JavaScript
B). It is a common naming convention
C). It is used for class names only
D). It is only used in JavaScript
Which of these is a correctly formatted camel case function name?
A). calculateTotalPrice
B). CalculateTotalPrice
C). calculate_total_price
D). calculateTotalprice
Which of the following is an example of an incorrectly formatted camel case variable?
A). customerDetails
B). customer_details
C). CustomerDetails
D). customerDetails
Which variable name follows camel case convention?
A). studentName
B). StudentName
C). student_name
What is the correct way to declare a variable in camel case?
A). let myvariableName
B). let myVariableName
C). let MyVariableName
D). let my_variable_name
Which of these variable names is not written in camel case?
A). firstName
B). FirstName
C). first_name
D). firstNameExample
What is the camel case equivalent of 'total cost'?
A). TotalCost
B). totalCost
C). totalcost
D). total_cost
In JavaScript, camel case is primarily used for naming:
A). Functions and variables
B). Constants
C). Files
D). Libraries
What will the variable myVarName look like in camel case?
A). myvarname
B). MyVarName
C). myVarName
D). my_var_name
What is the importance of using camel case in JavaScript?
A). Increases execution speed
B). Enhances code readability
C). Reduces file size
D). Helps in error debugging