How to select elements with a specific attribute using jQuery?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option A
$('[attribute]') selects all elements with a specific attribute.
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How to select the last element within a set of matched elements using jQuery?

A). $('element').last();

B). $('element:last-child');

C). $('element:last');

D). $('element').eq(-1);

Which jQuery selector is used to target elements based on their position in a group of selected elements?

A). $('element:odd')

B). $('element:nth-child(odd)')

C). $('element:nth-of-type(odd)')

D). $('element:nth(odd)')

What does the selector $('ul > li') select in jQuery?

A). All <ul> elements

B). All <li> elements in the document

C). All <li> elements that are direct children of <ul> elements

D). All elements within <ul> elements

How to select all elements with a specific class using jQuery?

A). $('.classname')

B). $('classname')

C). $('element.classname')

D). $('[classname]')

Which jQuery selector targets elements that are descendants of a specified parent element?

A). $('parent + child')

B). $('parent > child')

C). $('parent child')

D). $('parent ~ child')

Which jQuery selector is used to target elements that are not selected by other selectors?

A). :not()

B). :exclude()

C). :exclude-selectors()

D). :except()

What does the selector $('ul li') select in jQuery?

A). All <ul> elements

B). All <li> elements in the document

C). All <li> elements within <ul> elements

D). All elements within <ul> elements

How to select the first element within a set of matched elements using jQuery?

A). $('element:first')

B). $('element').first();

C). $('element').eq(0);

D). $('element').first();

How to select all <div> elements using jQuery?

A). $('div').addClass('selected');

B). document.querySelectorAll('div');

C). $(document).select('div');

D). $('div').find();

How to select elements with a specific attribute and value using jQuery?

A). $('[attribute=value]')

B). $('attribute=value')

C). $('element[attribute=value]')

D). $('.attribute=value')