How do you declare a string in JavaScript?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option E
Strings can be declared using single quotes, double quotes, or backticks (template literals).
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What does the padStart() method do?

A). Adds padding to the beginning of a string

B). Adds padding to the end of a string

C). Adds padding to both ends of a string

D). Removes padding from the beginning of a string

How do you check if a string ends with a specific substring?

A). endsWith()

B). isEnd()

C). hasSuffix()

D). ends()

What does the split() method do?

A). Splits a string into characters

B). Splits a string into an array of substrings

C). Divides a string into two parts

D). Cuts a string in half

What is the use of the String.raw method?

A). To create raw string literals

B). To create a raw copy of a string

C). To create a new string

D). To escape characters

How do you extract a part of a string in JavaScript?

A). slice()

B). substring()

C). substr()

D). All of the above

Which method would you use to replace a part of a string with another string?

A). replace()

B). substitute()

C). change()

D). swap()

Which method would you use to check if a string contains a specified substring?

A). contains()

B). includes()

C). has()

D). indexOf()

How do you create a multi-line string in JavaScript?

A). Use single quotes

B). Use double quotes

C). Use backticks

D). Use escape characters

How do you convert a string to uppercase in JavaScript?

A). toUpper()

B). upperCase()

C). toUpperCase()

D). toCaps()

Which method is used to find the length of a string?

A). length()

B). len()

C). size()

D). length