How can you set the position property of an HTML element using JavaScript?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option A
To set the position property of an HTML element using JavaScript, you can modify the style property of the element. For example, element.style.position = 'relative'; sets the position property of the element to 'relative', which means it is positioned relative to its normal position in the document flow.
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B). element.fontSize = 'size';

C). element.size = 'size';

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A). element.style.textShadow = 'shadow';

B). element.shadow = 'shadow';

C). element.textShadow = 'shadow';

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A). element.style.fontFamily = 'family';

B). element.fontFamily = 'family';

C). element.family = 'family';

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A). element.style.boxShadow = '10px 10px 5px #888888';

B). element.boxShadow = '10px 10px 5px #888888';

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A). element.style.textTransform = 'transform';

B). element.transform = 'transform';

C). element.textTransform = 'transform';

D). element.style.transform = 'transform';

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A). element.style.width = 'width';

B). element.width = 'width';

C). element.setAttribute('width', 'width');

D). element.style.width('width');

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A). element.style.textDecoration = 'decoration';

B). element.decoration = 'decoration';

C). element.textDecoration = 'decoration';

D). element.style.decoration = 'decoration';

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A). element.style.display = 'block';

B). element.display = 'block';

C). element.style.visibility = 'visible';

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A). element.style.padding = 'padding';

B). element.padding = 'padding';

C). element.setAttribute('padding', 'padding');

D). element.style.padding('padding');

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A). element.style.overflow = 'hidden';

B). element.overflow = 'hidden';

C). element.style.overflow = 'visible';

D). element.overflow = 'visible';