How can you set the text alignment of an HTML element using JavaScript?
A). = 'alignment';
B). = 'alignment';
C). element.textAlign = 'alignment';
D). element.align = 'alignment';
How can you add a CSS class to an HTML element using JavaScript?
A). element.classList.add('className');
B). element.className = 'className';
C). element.setAttribute('class', 'className');
D). element.addClass('className');
How can you disable an HTML button using JavaScript?
A). element.disabled = true;
B). element.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
C). element.disable();
D). element.disable = true;
How can you add an attribute to an HTML element using JavaScript?
A). element.setAttribute('attributeName', 'value');
B). element.attributeName = 'value';
C). element.attributeName('value');
D). element.attributeName.add('value');
How can you change the text content of an HTML element using JavaScript?
A). element.textContent = 'New Content';
B). element.innerText = 'New Content';
C). element.innerHTML = 'New Content';
D). element.value = 'New Content';
How can you change the style (CSS) of an HTML element using JavaScript?
A). = 'value';
B). element.setAttribute('style', 'property: value;');
C). element.changeStyle('property: value;');
D). element.setStyle('property: value;');
How can you hide an HTML element using JavaScript?
A). = 'none';
B). = 'hidden';
C). element.visible = false;
D). = 0;
How can you set the border width of an HTML element using JavaScript?
A). = 'width';
B). = 'width';
C). element.border.width = 'width';
D). element.width = 'width';
How can you dynamically change the value of an input element using JavaScript?
A). element.value = 'New Value';
B). element.setAttribute('value', 'New Value');
C). element.setValue('New Value');
D). element.changeValue('New Value');
How can you change the href attribute of an anchor (link) element using JavaScript?
A). element.href = '';
B). element.setAttribute('href', '');
C). element.setHref('');
D). element.changeHref('');