Which JavaScript method allows you to change the value of an HTML attribute?
A). setAttribute()
B). getAttribute()
C). removeAttribute()
D). createElement()
How can you set the text alignment of an HTML element using JavaScript?
A). element.style.textAlign = 'alignment';
B). element.style.align = 'alignment';
C). element.textAlign = 'alignment';
D). element.align = 'alignment';
How can you set the background color of an HTML element using JavaScript?
A). element.style.backgroundColor = 'color';
B). element.style.background = 'color';
C). element.background = 'color';
D). element.style.color = 'color';
How can you set the font size of an HTML element using JavaScript?
A). element.style.fontSize = 'size';
B). element.style.fontsize = 'size';
C). element.fontsize = 'size';
D). element.size = 'size';
How can you enable a disabled HTML button using JavaScript?
A). element.disabled = false;
B). element.removeAttribute('disabled');
C). element.enable();
D). element.enable = true;
How can you set the font color of an HTML element using JavaScript?
A). element.style.color = 'color';
B). element.style.fontColor = 'color';
C). element.fontColor = 'color';
D). element.color = 'color';
How can you add a CSS class to an HTML element using JavaScript?
A). element.classList.add('className');
B). element.className = 'className';
C). element.setAttribute('class', 'className');
D). element.addClass('className');
How can you change the href attribute of an anchor (link) element using JavaScript?
A). element.href = 'https://example.com';
B). element.setAttribute('href', 'https://example.com');
C). element.setHref('https://example.com');
D). element.changeHref('https://example.com');
How can you set the border width of an HTML element using JavaScript?
A). element.style.borderWidth = 'width';
B). element.style.border.width = 'width';
C). element.border.width = 'width';
D). element.width = 'width';
How can you dynamically change the source (URL) of an image element using JavaScript?
A). element.src = 'newimage.jpg';
B). element.setSource('newimage.jpg');
C). element.setAttribute('src', 'newimage.jpg');
D). element.changeSource('newimage.jpg');