How can jQuery complement CSS3 media queries in responsive design?
A). By replacing CSS3 entirely
B). By providing dynamic functionality and interactions
C). By increasing website load times
D). By limiting the use of media queries
How can jQuery be used to make forms more responsive?
A). By disabling form fields
B). By dynamically validating fields and providing feedback based on viewport size
C). By increasing the number of form fields
D). By reducing form accessibility
What does the following jQuery code do: $(window).resize(function() { if($(window).width() < 768) { $('.menu').hide(); } else { $('.menu').show(); } });
A). Hides the menu for larger screens
B). Shows the menu for smaller screens
C). Hides the menu for screens smaller than 768px and shows it for larger screens
D). Shows the menu for screens smaller than 768px and hides it for larger screens
Why is it important to handle touch events in responsive web design?
A). To increase server load
B). To enhance user experience on touch devices
C). To restrict access to desktop users
D). To decrease website loading speed
What does the following jQuery code do: $('a[href*='#']').on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $($.attr(this, 'href')).offset().top }, 500); });
A). Adds smooth scrolling to anchor links
B). Prevents all anchor links from working
C). Adds a delay to all anchor links
D). Disables smooth scrolling for anchor links
What is a common use of jQuery in responsive web forms?
A). To restrict form submissions
B). To dynamically validate form fields based on viewport size
C). To increase form complexity
D). To reduce form functionality
How can jQuery be used to handle touch events on mobile devices?
A). By using .on('swipeleft') and .on('swiperight')
B). By using .click() and .hover()
C). By using .resize() and .load()
D). By using .submit() and .change()
How does jQuery help in optimizing images for responsive design?
A). By resizing images on the server
B). By dynamically loading different images based on viewport size
C). By reducing image quality
D). By increasing image dimensions
How can jQuery enhance navigation menus in responsive design?
A). By hiding menus permanently
B). By creating dynamic show/hide functionality based on viewport size
C). By increasing menu complexity
D). By restricting menu items
Which jQuery event is useful for creating swipe gestures on touch devices?
A). .click()
B). .hover()
C). .swipe()
D). .keypress()