Which of the following statements is true regarding redeclaring variables in JavaScript?
A). You can redeclare 'var' variables within the same scope without errors
B). You can redeclare 'let' variables within the same scope without errors
C). You can redeclare 'const' variables within the same scope without errors
D). None of the above
What happens when you redeclare a variable with 'var' inside a function?
A). The variable is overwritten
B). The variable declaration is ignored
C). It throws an error
D). The function's scope is reset
What will be the result of executing 'let x = 1; let x = 2;' in the same scope?
A). x will be 1
B). x will be 2
C). Syntax Error
D). Runtime Error
How does 'let' differ from 'var' in terms of scope?
A). 'let' is function-scoped, 'var' is block-scoped
B). Both 'let' and 'var' are block-scoped
C). 'let' is block-scoped, 'var' is function-scoped
D). Both 'let' and 'var' are function-scoped
What error is thrown when attempting to redeclare a 'const' variable?
A). TypeError
B). ReferenceError
C). SyntaxError
D). RangeError
What does 'TDZ' stand for in the context of JavaScript?
A). Temporary Declaration Zone
B). Temporal Dead Zone
C). Temporary Dead Zone
D). Temporal Declaration Zone
Can you redeclare a 'let' variable in the same scope in JavaScript?
A). Yes
B). No
C). Only in strict mode
D). Only in non-strict mode
Can you redeclare a 'var' variable in a different scope without error?
A). Yes
B). No
C). Only in strict mode
D). Only if the variable is not initialized
What is the result of redeclaring a variable with 'var' in the same scope in JavaScript?
A). Syntax Error
B). The variable is overwritten
C). The variable remains unchanged
D). The program crashes
Why is it recommended to use 'let' and 'const' over 'var' in modern JavaScript?
A). 'let' and 'const' are function-scoped
B). 'let' and 'const' prevent variable hoisting
C). 'let' and 'const' are block-scoped, reducing potential errors
D). 'let' and 'const' are faster