Can variables declared with 'var' be redeclared in the same scope?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option A
Variables declared with 'var' can be redeclared in the same scope.
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Which of the following is a valid variable name in JavaScript?

A). 2name

B). _name

C). #name


What will be the output of the following code?

console.log(a); var a = 10;

A). 10

B). undefined

C). Error

D). null

Which of the following is true about variable naming conventions in JavaScript?

A). Variable names can start with a number

B). Variable names are case-insensitive

C). Variable names can include spaces

D). Variable names are case-sensitive

Which keyword is used to declare a variable in JavaScript?

A). var

B). let

C). const

D). All of the above

What will be the output of the following code?

var x = 5; var y = 6; var z = x + y;

A). 11

B). 11

C). 5

D). 6

Which of the following is NOT a valid variable name in JavaScript?

A). myVar

B). $myVar

C). _myVar

D). 123myVar

What will be the output of the following code?

let x; console.log(x);

A). null

B). undefined

C). 0

D). NaN

What will be the output of the following code?

var a = 1; { var a = 2; } console.log(a);

A). 1

B). 2

C). undefined

D). ReferenceError

What will be the output of the following code?

let a = 1; let b = 2; let c = a + b; console.log(c);

A). 12

B). 12

C). 3

D). NaN

What is the difference between let and var?

A). let is function-scoped, var is block-scoped

B). let is block-scoped, var is function-scoped

C). Both are block-scoped

D). Both are function-scoped