Which PHP extension provides procedural and object-oriented approaches for executing SQL queries and interacting with MySQL databases?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option D
MySQLi (MySQL Improved) extension in PHP provides both procedural and object-oriented approaches for executing SQL queries and interacting with MySQL databases. It offers features such as prepared statements and transaction support.
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A). Establishing a database connection

B). Executing an SQL query

C). Fetching data from the database

D). Closing the database connection

Which of the following PHP functions is used to execute an SQL query in MySQLi extension?

A). mysqli_execute()

B). mysqli_query()

C). mysqli_fetch()

D). mysqli_prepare()

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A). Establishing a database connection

B). Executing SQL queries

C). Fetching data from the database

D). Closing the database connection

Which of the following PHP functions is used to get the number of rows affected by an SQL query in MySQLi extension?

A). mysqli_num_rows()

B). mysqli_affected_rows()

C). mysqli_num_fields()

D). mysqli_fetch_row()

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A). It removes all data from a table

B). It updates existing records in a table

C). It adds new records to a table

D). It removes specific records from a table

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A). Better performance

B). Improved security against SQL injection

C). Easier syntax

D). Compatibility with older PHP versions

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A). Establishing a database connection

B). Executing SQL queries

C). Fetching data from the database

D). Closing the database connection

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What is the primary advantage of using prepared statements in PHP for executing SQL queries?

A). Better performance

B). Improved security against SQL injection

C). Easier syntax

D). Compatibility with older PHP versions