How can you create a flexible layout where items grow and shrink based on available space in flexbox?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option A
To create a flexible layout in flexbox where items grow and shrink based on available space, you use the flex-grow and flex-shrink properties.
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A). clear

B). float-clear

C). wrap

D). clearfix

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A). grid-gap

B). gap

C). grid-margin

D). margin-gap

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A). grid-gap

B). gap

C). grid-margin

D). margin-gap

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A). grid-size

B). grid-template

C). grid-columns

D). grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows

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A). Flexbox and Grid

B). Floats

C). Flexbox

D). Grid

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A). flex-direction

B). item-direction

C). flex-align

D). container-direction

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A). align-items: center; justify-content: center;

B). align-items: center; justify-items: center;

C). align-items: center; align-content: center;

D). justify-content: center; justify-items: center;

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A). Allow elements to be positioned to the left or right of their container, with other content flowing around them

B). Create evenly spaced items within a container

C). Create a grid structure for layout

D). Style the background of elements

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A). To create a grid structure for layout design

B). To float elements to the left or right

C). To align items along the main axis

D). To distribute items evenly in a container

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A). To define the size of columns in a grid layout

B). To float grid items to the left or right

C). To align grid items along the main axis

D). To distribute grid items evenly in a container