Which contrast ratio is recommended by WCAG for large text?

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B
The WCAG recommends a minimum contrast ratio of 3:1 for large text.
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What effect does high contrast have on emphasizing elements in a design?

A). A. Blurs emphasis

B). B. Enhances emphasis

C). C. Reduces emphasis

D). D. Has no effect

What can low color contrast lead to in terms of design elements?

A). A. Improved readability

B). B. Clear visual hierarchy

C). C. Poor legibility

D). D. High accessibility

Which contrast ratio is recommended by WCAG for normal text?

A). A. 2:1

B). B. 3:1

C). C. 4.5:1

D). D. 7:1

Which contrast ratio is ideal for ensuring high accessibility in design?

A). A. 1:1

B). B. 2:1

C). C. 4.5:1

D). D. 10:1

How does color contrast impact the aesthetics of a design?

A). A. Enhances aesthetics

B). B. Dulls aesthetics

C). C. Reduces visual interest

D). D. Has no effect

What should designers consider when using color to convey information?

A). A. Use color exclusively

B). B. Include text labels or icons

C). C. Avoid high contrast

D). D. Use pastel colors

How can color-blind users benefit from well-applied color contrast?

A). A. Improved color vision

B). B. Enhanced aesthetics

C). C. Better readability

D). D. Increased saturation

What effect does high color contrast have on visual hierarchy?

A). A. Blurs visual hierarchy

B). B. Creates a clear hierarchy

C). C. Reduces contrast

D). D. Has no impact

What is the primary benefit of using color contrast in user interfaces?

A). A. Reduced visual impact

B). B. Improved legibility

C). C. Diminished emphasis

D). D. Limited accessibility

What type of contrast can help emphasize important elements in a design?

A). A. Low contrast

B). B. High contrast

C). C. Monochromatic contrast

D). D. Analogous contrast