Which PHP function is used to set the error log file path?
A). ini_set()
B). error_log()
C). set_error_handler()
D). display_errors()
Which PHP debugging tool provides integration with the PhpStorm IDE?
A). Xdebug
B). Visual Studio Code
C). NetBeans
D). Sublime Text
Which PHP function is used to enable or disable the display of errors?
A). ini_set()
B). error_reporting()
C). display_errors()
D). set_error_handler()
What is the purpose of using the @ operator in PHP?
A). To suppress errors
B). To force error reporting
C). To display errors
D). To log errors
Which PHP directive is used to specify the types of errors to report?
A). error_reporting()
B). display_errors()
C). log_errors()
D). set_error_handler()
What does the error_reporting directive in php.ini control?
A). Which types of errors are reported
B). Whether errors are displayed on the web page
C). Whether errors are logged to a file
D). Whether errors are suppressed
Which PHP function is used to redirect error output to a specified file?
A). ini_set()
B). error_log()
C). set_error_handler()
D). display_errors()
What does the display_errors directive in php.ini control?
A). Whether errors are displayed on the web page
B). Whether errors are logged to a file
C). Whether errors are reported to the server
D). Whether errors are suppressed
What type of error occurs when there's a division by zero in PHP code?
A). Warning Error
B). Parse Error
C). Fatal Error
D). Notice Error
Which PHP function is used to log errors to a file?
A). error_log()
B). log_errors()
C). ini_set()
D). set_error_handler()