
Why Learn Redux?
If you’re building React applications, you’re likely sharing some kind of data between React components. When the application scales and sharing that data gets more complex, it’s time to use a state-management library.

Redux is the most commonly used state-management library with React. Redux lets you use plain JavaScript syntax, but enforces consistent patterns that make your apps reliable and predictable.

Compared to other state-management libraries, Redux is more popular and better supported with documentation. Popularity means that knowing Redux can give you a leg up on other React developers when applying for jobs. Good documentation means you can get up and running quickly.

  • Core Concept in Redux ,
  • Core Redux API ,
  • Connect to React with React Redux ,
  • Refactoring with Redux Toolfit ,
  • Async Actions with Middleware and Thunks
Duration : Less than one month
Hours: 5
Price: Rs.1200
Pre Requisites: HTML, JavaScript, React

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions