
JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages. The powerful Node.js runtime environment has been ranked the technology most commonly used by professional developers. Node.js is an event-driven JavaScript runtime. Node has myriad potential uses for JavaScript development including being a great environment for building efficient network applications.

Take-Away Skills
This course is a great introduction to the concepts of server-side web development. You’ll learn the different parts that make up the back-end of a website or web application, and you’ll gain familiarity with the Node.js runtime environment. After this course, you’ll be set up to explore popular Node frameworks like Express.js to build powerful applications.

  • Welcome Back End ,
  • Introduction to Node.Js ,
  • Node.JS Essentials ,
  • Setting up a Server with HTTP
Duration : Less than one month
Hours: 5
Price: Rs.1200
Pre Requisites: JavaScript, the Command Line

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions