Mixing red, green, and blue colors at maximum intensity in the RGB model produces white light, as each color contributes fully to the overall brightness.
How is black color represented in the CMYK color model?
In the CMYK color model, black color is represented by using a dedicated black color channel (K) to improve color depth and create richer blacks in print media.
Which color is created by mixing green and blue colors in the RGB color model?
The complementary color of magenta in the CMYK model is cyan. Complementary colors in subtractive color mixing are opposite each other on the color wheel.
How is white color represented in the CMYK color model?
In the CMYK color model, white color is represented by using all color channels (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) at minimum intensity, allowing light to reflect fully and create brightness.
What is the result of mixing blue and red colors in the RGB color model?
The CMYK color model (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) is used for accurate color reproduction in print media, allowing printers to produce a wide range of colors with precision.
What is the result of mixing yellow and black colors in the CMYK color model?