PATEL MANUFACTURING COMPANY. basically dealing with Ophthalmic Forceps in Hospital And Diagnostic Equipments. If you wish to engage with PATEL MANUFACTURING COMPANY. in Mumbai, Maharashtra, their location is No. 198/6, Near Cotton Exchange Mumbai - 400002, Maharashtra, India.
Address | No. 198/6, Near Cotton Exchange Mumbai - 400002, Maharashtra, India |
City | Mumbai |
State | Maharashtra |
N/A | |
Geo Location | 18.952047999999998 , 72.8298573 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Narayanbhai N.Patel |
Annual Turnover | N/A |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 27AAFPP3700K1ZP |
PATEL MANUFACTURING COMPANY. basically dealing with Ophthalmic Forceps in Hospital And Diagnostic Equipments. If you wish to engage with PATEL MANUFACTURING COMPANY. in Mumbai, Maharashtra, their location is No. 198/6, Near Cotton Exchange Mumbai - 400002, Maharashtra, India.
Address | No. 198/6, Near Cotton Exchange Mumbai - 400002, Maharashtra, India |
City | Mumbai |
State | Maharashtra |
N/A | |
Geo Location | 18.952047999999998 , 72.8298573 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Narayanbhai N.Patel |
Annual Turnover | N/A |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 27AAFPP3700K1ZP |