AG Electronics basically dealing with Oil Indicators in Industrial Supplies. If you wish to engage with AG Electronics in Nagpur, Maharashtra, their location is 208, Bhiwapurkar Chambers Nagpur - 440012, Maharashtra, India.
Address | 208, Bhiwapurkar Chambers Nagpur - 440012, Maharashtra, India |
City | Nagpur |
State | Maharashtra | | |
Geo Location | 21.138009999999998 , 79.08224 |
Legal Status | Partnership |
Contact Person | Latesh Agarwal |
Annual Turnover | Rs. 50 Lakh - 1 Crore |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 27AARFA4315P1ZY |
Accurate Sales Corporation basically dealing with Oil Indicators in Industrial Supplies. If you wish to engage with Accurate Sales Corporation in Delhi, Delhi, their location is 3668, Chawri Bazar Delhi - 110006, Delhi, India.
Address | 3668, Chawri Bazar Delhi - 110006, Delhi, India |
City | Delhi |
State | Delhi |
N/A | |
Geo Location | 28.649414999999998 , 77.227521 |
Legal Status | N/A |
Contact Person | Rajeev Maheshwari |
Annual Turnover | N/A |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 07AAGFA2216G1ZY |
Advanced Engineering & Consultancy Service basically dealing with Oil Indicators in Industrial Supplies. If you wish to engage with Advanced Engineering & Consultancy Service in Delhi, Delhi, their location is 1/3, DSIDC Shed Complex, Tigri Delhi - 110080, Delhi, India.
Address | 1/3, DSIDC Shed Complex, Tigri Delhi - 110080, Delhi, India |
City | Delhi |
State | Delhi |
N/A | |
Geo Location | N/A |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Mukesh |
Annual Turnover | Upto Rs. 50 Lakh |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 07AJOPP7057P1Z7 |
Satyam Enterprise basically dealing with Oil Indicators in Industrial Supplies. If you wish to engage with Satyam Enterprise in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, their location is No. 28, Bharat Estate, 2, Mamtanagar Near Suryanagar, N. H. No-8, Viratnagar Char Rasta Ahmedabad - 380024, Gujarat, India.
Address | No. 28, Bharat Estate, 2, Mamtanagar Near Suryanagar, N. H. No-8, Viratnagar Char Rasta Ahmedabad - 380024, Gujarat, India |
City | Ahmedabad |
State | Gujarat | | |
Geo Location | 23.0350865 , 72.6299835 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Paresh Bhai Zalavadiya |
Annual Turnover | Rs. 50 Lakh - 1 Crore |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 24AADPZ7801K1ZD |
Gopinathji Sales basically dealing with Oil Indicators in Industrial Supplies. If you wish to engage with Gopinathji Sales in Rajkot, Gujarat, their location is Natraj Industrial Area, Shed No. 10, Street No-2,near Solvant Railway Crosing Gondal Road, Kothariya RoadRajkot - 360002, Gujarat, India.
Address | Natraj Industrial Area, Shed No. 10, Street No-2,near Solvant Railway Crosing Gondal Road, Kothariya RoadRajkot - 360002, Gujarat, India |
City | Rajkot |
State | Gujarat |
N/A | |
Geo Location | 22.224518 , 70.807548 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Kiranben Senjaliya |
Annual Turnover | Rs. 50 Lakh - 1 Crore |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 24HIVPS0365C1ZY |
Yashwant Hydrolic Equipments basically dealing with Oil Indicators in Industrial Supplies. If you wish to engage with Yashwant Hydrolic Equipments in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, their location is No. 20, Sattadhar Industrial Estate, Part 2 Near Diamond Mill, Nikol Road, ThakkarnagarAhmedabad - 382352, Gujarat, India.
Address | No. 20, Sattadhar Industrial Estate, Part 2 Near Diamond Mill, Nikol Road, ThakkarnagarAhmedabad - 382352, Gujarat, India |
City | Ahmedabad |
State | Gujarat | | |
Geo Location | 23.060345 , 72.65247 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Ritesh Shukla |
Annual Turnover | Rs. 50 Lakh - 1 Crore |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 24AFUPS6951B1Z3 |