Nadi Vaidya Kayakalp basically dealing with Mustard Oil in Hospital And Diagnostic Equipments. If you wish to engage with Nadi Vaidya Kayakalp in Rohtak, Haryana, their location is Gali No. 5, Vinay Nagar, Near By Noor Garden Delhi RoadRohtak - 124001, Haryana, India.
Address | Gali No. 5, Vinay Nagar, Near By Noor Garden Delhi RoadRohtak - 124001, Haryana, India |
City | Rohtak |
State | Haryana | | |
Geo Location | 28.8854811 , 76.627338 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Him Arya |
Annual Turnover | Rs. 1 - 2 Crore |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 06ADNPA2978D1ZN |
Jupiter Associates basically dealing with Mustard Oil in Hospital And Diagnostic Equipments. If you wish to engage with Jupiter Associates in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, their location is THDC Colony, Dehradun South, Dehrakhas, Phase 1 Dehradun - 248001, Uttarakhand, India.
Address | THDC Colony, Dehradun South, Dehrakhas, Phase 1 Dehradun - 248001, Uttarakhand, India |
City | Dehradun |
State | Uttarakhand | | |
Geo Location | 30.297294 , 78.0196119 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Aditi |
Annual Turnover | N/A |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 05BZPPD3662L1Z2 |
Garg Oil & General Mills basically dealing with Mustard Oil in Hospital And Diagnostic Equipments. If you wish to engage with Garg Oil & General Mills in New Delhi, Delhi, their location is 126, Naresh Park, Nangloi New Delhi - 110041, Delhi, India.
Address | 126, Naresh Park, Nangloi New Delhi - 110041, Delhi, India |
City | New Delhi |
State | Delhi | | |
Geo Location | 28.682425 , 77.06891999999999 |
Legal Status | Partnership |
Contact Person | Mr. Mohit |
Annual Turnover | N/A |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 07AAAFG7450L1Z9 |
M/s Kanahya Lal Nand Kishor basically dealing with Mustard Oil in Hospital And Diagnostic Equipments. If you wish to engage with M/s Kanahya Lal Nand Kishor in Faridabad, Haryana, their location is Shop No. 48, New Anaaj Mandi Faridabad - 121004, Haryana, India.
Address | Shop No. 48, New Anaaj Mandi Faridabad - 121004, Haryana, India |
City | Faridabad |
State | Haryana | | |
Geo Location | 28.291938299999998 , 77.355413 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Akshay Garg |
Annual Turnover | Upto Rs. 50 Lakh |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 06AHNPG4768P1ZK |
Ankit Trading Company basically dealing with Mustard Oil in Hospital And Diagnostic Equipments. If you wish to engage with Ankit Trading Company in Malpura, Rajasthan, their location is Jawahar Nagar Malpura - 304502, Rajasthan, India.
Address | Jawahar Nagar Malpura - 304502, Rajasthan, India |
City | Malpura |
State | Rajasthan | | |
Geo Location | 26.2968064 , 75.3744707 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Ankit Jain |
Annual Turnover | Rs. 10 - 25 Crore |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 08ARDPJ7790G2ZG |
Shiv Krishna Food basically dealing with Mustard Oil in Hospital And Diagnostic Equipments. If you wish to engage with Shiv Krishna Food in Jhumaritalaiya, Jharkhand, their location is Koderma, Taratand 8002692538Jhumaritalaiya - 825409, Jharkhand, India.
Address | Koderma, Taratand 8002692538Jhumaritalaiya - 825409, Jharkhand, India |
City | Jhumaritalaiya |
State | Jharkhand | | |
Geo Location | 24.439349999999997 , 85.53049 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Satish |
Annual Turnover | Rs. 2 - 5 Crore |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 20BACPD1714K1ZF |