Phoebus Energie basically dealing with Lantern Lamp in Electronic And Electrical. If you wish to engage with Phoebus Energie in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, their location is Sector 10B, Vasundhara Ghaziabad - 201012, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Address | Sector 10B, Vasundhara Ghaziabad - 201012, Uttar Pradesh, India |
City | Ghaziabad |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
N/A | |
Geo Location | 28.663155 , 77.367975 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Dikshant Soni |
Annual Turnover | N/A |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 09EHBPS4084Q1ZF |
Kaushalam basically dealing with Lantern Lamp in Electronic And Electrical. If you wish to engage with Kaushalam in Jaipur, Rajasthan, their location is J-23, Subhash Marg C SchemeJaipur - 302001, Rajasthan, India.
Address | J-23, Subhash Marg C SchemeJaipur - 302001, Rajasthan, India |
City | Jaipur |
State | Rajasthan | | |
Geo Location | |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Mrinalika Jain |
Annual Turnover | Upto Rs. 50 Lakh |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 08AQPPJ1955Q1ZZ |