JAIPUR HI-TECH SERVICES | Electronic Water Conditioners

JAIPUR HI-TECH SERVICES basically dealing with Electronic Water Conditioners in Engineering Services. If you wish to engage with JAIPUR HI-TECH SERVICES in Jaipur, Rajasthan, their location is E-275, Lal Kothi Yojna Jaipur - 302015, Rajasthan, India.

Address E-275, Lal Kothi Yojna Jaipur - 302015, Rajasthan, India
City Jaipur
State Rajasthan
Email N/A
Geo Location 26.8905109 , 75.7958204
Legal Status Sole Proprietorship (Individual)
Contact Person Sandeep Sharma
Annual Turnover Upto Rs. 50 Lakh
GST Number 08ABKPS6333H1ZB