Taheri Tradelinks basically dealing with Coolant Drill in Industrial Supplies. If you wish to engage with Taheri Tradelinks in Nashik, Maharashtra, their location is Pap-36, Xlo Point, Ambad Nashik - 422010, Maharashtra, India.
Address | Pap-36, Xlo Point, Ambad Nashik - 422010, Maharashtra, India |
City | Nashik |
State | Maharashtra |
N/A | |
Geo Location | 19.96328667 , 73.73747333 |
Legal Status | Partnership |
Contact Person | Khuzema Maru |
Annual Turnover | Upto Rs. 50 Lakh |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 27AAGFT1992E1Z0 |
Gaurav Enterprises basically dealing with Coolant Drill in Industrial Supplies. If you wish to engage with Gaurav Enterprises in New Delhi, Delhi, their location is 2771, Hamilton Road Mori GateNew Delhi - 110006, Delhi, India.
Address | 2771, Hamilton Road Mori GateNew Delhi - 110006, Delhi, India |
City | New Delhi |
State | Delhi |
Info@drillmanindia.com | |
Geo Location | 28.6629456 , 77.2230389 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Gaurav Jain |
Annual Turnover | 2008-09 Rs. 2-5 Crore Approx. 2009-10 Rs. 2-5 Crore Approx. 2010-11 Rs. 2-5 Crore Approx. |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 07AAKPJ2131M1ZP |
Raj Trade Linkers basically dealing with Coolant Drill in Industrial Supplies. If you wish to engage with Raj Trade Linkers in Delhi, Delhi, their location is Uttam Nagar 13B, Deep Enclave, Part IV, Vikas NagarDelhi - 110059, Delhi, India.
Address | Uttam Nagar 13B, Deep Enclave, Part IV, Vikas NagarDelhi - 110059, Delhi, India |
City | Delhi |
State | Delhi |
N/A | |
Geo Location | 28.637544 , 77.0321565 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Pavan Kumar |
Annual Turnover | Rs. 50 Lakh - 1 Crore |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 07DHUPK5950D1ZZ |
Swastik Engineering Solution basically dealing with Coolant Drill in Industrial Supplies. If you wish to engage with Swastik Engineering Solution in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, their location is A/3, Paras 2, Bunglows Ahmedabad - 380058, Gujarat, India.
Address | A/3, Paras 2, Bunglows Ahmedabad - 380058, Gujarat, India |
City | Ahmedabad |
State | Gujarat |
Info@swastikengineeringsolution.com | |
Geo Location | 23.022505 , 72.571365 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Vandit Joshi |
Annual Turnover | Rs. 1 - 2 Crore |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 24ALTPJ9715H1ZO |
Sunrise Enterprises, Bengaluru basically dealing with Coolant Drill in Industrial Supplies. If you wish to engage with Sunrise Enterprises, Bengaluru in Bengaluru, Karnataka, their location is No. 1/1, Yakoob Complex, 4th Cross, S. P. RoadBengaluru - 560002, Karnataka, India.
Address | No. 1/1, Yakoob Complex, 4th Cross, S. P. RoadBengaluru - 560002, Karnataka, India |
City | Bengaluru |
State | Karnataka |
Mbkalangi@gmail.com | |
Geo Location | 12.964782999999999 , 77.57991799999999 |
Legal Status | Sole Proprietorship (Individual) |
Contact Person | Juzer . |
Annual Turnover | Rs. 50 Lakh - 1 Crore |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 29ACMPK0591Q1ZS |
Ecocut Machining Solutions basically dealing with Coolant Drill in Industrial Supplies. If you wish to engage with Ecocut Machining Solutions in Bengaluru, Karnataka, their location is No. 3/1, Ward No. 38, 1st Floor, Sri Muneshwara Industrial Estate, Tumkur RoadBengaluru - 560058, Karnataka, India.
Address | No. 3/1, Ward No. 38, 1st Floor, Sri Muneshwara Industrial Estate, Tumkur RoadBengaluru - 560058, Karnataka, India |
City | Bengaluru |
State | Karnataka |
Ecocutms@gmail.com | |
Geo Location | 13.0377012 , 77.52194159999998 |
Legal Status | Partnership |
Contact Person | Balajee Adapa |
Annual Turnover | Rs. 50 Lakh - 1 Crore |
CIN NO | N/A |
GST Number | 29AAEFE1443M1ZA |