Solgeniz Industries | 2-Chloro-5-methylpyridine

Solgeniz Industries basically dealing with 2-Chloro-5-methylpyridine in Chemical, Dyes And Solvents. If you wish to engage with Solgeniz Industries in Pune, Maharashtra, their location is 1101 B, Green Valley, Kool Homes Pune - 411021, Maharashtra, India.

Address 1101 B, Green Valley, Kool Homes Pune - 411021, Maharashtra, India
City Pune
State Maharashtra
Email N/A
Phone 1 91-8037030478
Phone 2 N/A
Phone 3 N/A
Geo Location 18.51238251 , 73.7798233
Legal Status Sole Proprietorship (Individual)
Contact Person Vedendra Kulkarni
Annual Turnover Rs. 1 - 2 Crore
GST Number 27AQVPK9934G1Z2