Senior Consultant CUNIX

  • company name CUNIX
  • working location Office Location
  • job type Full Time

Industry Type - IT - Software

Category: Others

Experience: 6 - 9 years required

Pay: INR 800000 - INR 1000000 /year

Type: Full Time

Location: Mumbai


Provide customised Corporate and public Trainings services for the past 17 years, primarily in the fields of IT, Quality assurance, and Soft Skills.,Quality Models - ISO, Six Sigma, Balance Score Card,Software Development Life Cycle -Types,Effective Software Testing And Defect Management Courses in CMMI, Quality Assurance and Process Improvement (QA), Software Engineering (SE), Project Management, and Soft Skills"

Job Description

? Primary Requirement: CMMI V2.0 training evidence required before interview.
? Certified CMMI associate.
? B.Tech / B.E(CS/IT)/Post-Graduation: M.Sc., MBA (IT)
? First-hand Experience of CMMI V2.0 Implementation
? Knowledge and experience of ISO 9001-2015/27001/20000
? Previous experience in an IT management position.
? A strong understanding of IT infrastructure and security
? Excellent written and verbal communication skills
? Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multi-tasking.
? Team Management experience