
Rexxam Dixon Electronics Pvt Ltd


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About Rexxam Dixon Electronics Pvt Ltd

Introducing Rexxam Dixon Electronics Private Limited, a dynamic company specializing in the manufacturing and assembly of a wide range of electronic and electric devices. Founded in 2021 and headquartered in Uttar Pradesh, our company is dedicated to providing top-quality products to meet the ever-evolving needs of our customers.With a strong focus on innovation and cutting-edge technology, we strive to deliver exceptional solutions that enhance the lives of our clients. Trust in Rexxam Dixon Electronics Private Limited for all your electronic and electric needs."

Job Description

An apprentice operator in ITI electrical typically undergoes training in various aspects of electrical operations and maintenance within industrial settings. Engaging in hands-on training to develop skills in their chosen trade, under the guidance of experienced professionals.


  • ITI-Electrical preferred.
  • Basic knowledge of the trade.

Timings: 9 to 5.30 (extra hours may be there)

Additional Benefits:

  • Bus service,
  • OT Allowance
  • medical service (if anything happens while duty hours)

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